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Ujjwal Atul

promoting effective waste management practices in villages

project initiated in 2020
44 villages | 6 colleges | 1,06,982 people sensitised

The project aims to implement the best practices in solid waste management that involve proper segregation of waste and scientific recycling of the components of waste. This is the most effective way of dealing with household waste. This year, in collaboration with gram panchayats we have been able to promote efficient waste management systems in 36 new villages.

2023-24 highlights

  • educated 77,536 people about responsible waste management practices
  • conducted 12 awareness drives among 2,341 students and five cleanliness drives with 515 volunteers
  • initiated waste collection at community places collecting ~ 150 kgs per day

Educating the future

This year we initiated solid waste management system in six colleges of Valsad. The team also conducted awareness and sensitisation programs regularly for the students at these colleges.