Atul Foundation 2023-24

Dear Readers, In 2023-24, Atul Foundation saw its projects expand their boundaries in both scope and depth. Remaining true to the legacy of our Founder, Kasturbhai Lalbhai, we continued to build upon the initiatives and improve from our past learnings with zeal and passion. Throughout the year, we undertook 43 impactful projects and managed 10 institutions, contributing to the betterment of communities under six programs, namely education, empowerment, health, relief, infrastructure, and conservation, all in alignment with the national priorities. The progress of society heavily relies on education. We were able to provide quality education and shape the future of 52,000 children. We aim to positively impact the less privileged by empowering them with skills and training programs. We empowered 6,908 individuals, including youth, women and those belonging to the weaker sections of society. Health and well-being are basic needs that still appear as a luxury to many. In order to bridge this gap, we extended our reach to 54,892 beneficiaries. We were able to develop self-care and hygiene habits among women and adolescent girls, bringing down their anaemia prevalence by 40%. The Foundation remains dedicated to supporting the vulnerable. Our activities extended relief to 4,119 such individuals. We contributed to the development of 23 villages, including the construction and renovation of existing infrastructure. We have been working in our own modest ways towards meeting the national targets for mitigating the challenges posed by climate change. Our efforts in conservation activities across 83 villages align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). The Indian Green Village Council which conducts the Green Village assessment and certification, identified Atul village as a Platinumvillage. We played a vital role in contributing to this achievement and remain committed to continuing our efforts to encourage practices that promote sustainable living in Atul and beyond. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our partners, donors, volunteers and the communities we serve, for their steadfast support and dedication. We mourn the loss of Dr Rana Vishnoi, our esteemed trustee since the inception of the foundation. His legacy will forever be our guiding light. In a world grappling with diverse challenges, Atul Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to serving the needs of society, advancing national priorities and building a better and sustainable future for all. We believe together we can continue serving society, through initiatives that positively impact the lives of people and the health of our planet. Sincerely, (Vimla Lalbhai) Chairperson Chairperson’s foreword Organisation The Management Committee of Atul Foundation works under the direction and guidance of the Board of Trustees. The Foundation is supported by teams required for operations and projects. The impact made by Atul Foundation is generally reviewed by theManagement of Atul Ltd, its Corporate Social Responsibility Committee and its Board. The Foundation team consists of 10 institutions and 538 members who work ceaselessly to serve the community and make conscious efforts towards sustainable development. The management expenses remained at 5% of the total amount spent on projects. Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. ~ Helen Keller 04 05 Annual Report 2023-24 I Atul Foundation