Atul Foundation 2023-24

Conservation Other water conservation initiatives conducted sessions to educate children on sewage treatment plant process in two schools installed rainwater harvesting system in 13 schools supported 44 farmers for drip irrigation Soil biotechnology is a wastewater treatment process based on a soil biology-based bio-conversion process where fundamental reactions of nature, namely respiration, photosynthesis and mineral weathering take place in a soil-likemedia housingmicro andmacro-organisms that bring about the desired purification. Two sewage treatment plants of 130 KLD were set up in two educational institutes. These plants treat wastewater from toilets and drinking stations through soil biotechnology, converting them into clean water, which is used in gardening and flushing in toilets. 44 45 Harvesting rainwater Through the rainwater harvesting systems installed last year, 46 lakh litres of water was conserved during the monsoon of 2023. Water Recycling System recycling wastewater through sewage treatment plant project initiated in 2022 7 institutions | 317 KLD Annual Report 2023-24 I Atul Foundation