Atul Foundation 2023-24

Godaan aims to create sustainable livelihood opportunities by providing quality breed cows to tribal families with weak economic backgrounds. These cows provide alternative income opportunities for the families. To date, we have provided 375 families with cows and calves alongwith educating themwith scientific cattlemanagement practices. Empowerment supported 97 tribal families by providing them cows with calves provided maize and bajra seeds for fodder cultivation imparted education on best practices in cattle rearing 22 23 Godaan project initiated in 2021 375 cows with calves empowering tribal families with cattle rearing Saving with sustainable solutions ‘I used to earn a meagre income by working in fields, growing seasonal crops. After I was given cows, I could sell around eight litres of milk daily. Additionally, we were also supported with fodder cultivation. My cows are now a stable source of income,’ shares Kusha Majhi, from Dangarpara village of Orissa. Annual Report 2023-24 I Atul Foundation