25 Financial highlights Where the monies came from Particulars Amount received ` lakhs % Companies 1,039.57 52.46% Government grants 770.54 38.88% Donation-others 36.34 1.83% Interest income 101.61 5.13% Miscellaneous income 33.56 1.69% 1,981.61 100% On which programs the monies were spent Particulars Amount spent ` lakhs % Education 776.42 45.02% Empowerment 605.32 35.10% Health 196.54 11.40% Relief 60.98 3.54% Infrastructure 72.18 4.19% Conservation 13.06 0.76% 1,724.48 100% Particulars Amount used ` lakhs % Programs 1,544.02 77.92% Asset creation 180.46 9.11% 1,724.48 87.02% Administration 71.92 3.63% Unspent 185.21 9.35% 1,981.61 100% Programs Asset creation Administration Unspent Companies G overnment grants Donation-others Interest income M iscellaneous income 39% 52% 2% 2% 5% 78% 4% 9% 9% Education Empowerment Health Relief Infrastructure C onservation 45% 35% 11% 4% 1% 4% How the monies were used