Atul Foundation 2019-20

21 Conservation We are the last generation with a real opportunity to save the world. ~ Laurence Overmire No. Project (partner, if any) Location Implementing agency Impact 1. Afforestation Atul (Gujarat ) Atul Ltd Planted 40,211 trees 2. Plantation of medicinal plants** Atul (Gujarat ) AFT | Kalyani Shala Planted 125 medicinal plants to promote awareness among children 3. Coastal cleanliness program Daman (Gujarat ) AFT | Indian Coast Guard Air Station  Supported coastal cleanliness drive  Over 500 students and teachers had participated in a drive to clean Kadiya beach 4. Training on harmful effect of plastic** Atul (Gujarat ) AFT | Kalyani Shala Trained 125 students to spread awareness in their neighbourhood about the harmful effects of plastic 5. Promoted fve ecotourism sites** Atul (Gujarat ) AFT | Atul Vidayalaya Promoted fve ecotourism sites among 125 organisations **Initiative to celebrate the 125th birth anniversary of Mr Kasturbhai Lalbhai