Ulhas Established: 1961 Managed: Atul Foundation Trust About: Ulhas promotes health and well-being of residents of Atul and surrounding villages. It organises cricket tournaments, inter-village volleyball competitions andmarathons. Atul Foundation serves the society through the following institutions: Institutions Kalyani Shala Established: 1953 Managed: Atul Kelavani Mandal About: Kalyani Shala is a private aided school providing quality and affordable education to children belonging to Atul and surrounding vi l lages. It offers classes from kindergarten to 12 and the medium of instruction is Gujarati . Currently, it has 1,799 students. Urmi Stree Sanstha Established: 1953 Managed: Aaranyak Urmi Ltd About : Urmi St ree Sanstha i s an organisation established to empower women. I t i s pr imar i l y known for production and supply of sun dried and iron pounded spices.Women fromnearby villages are engaged in the complete production process from solar drying and pounding to blending and packaging of spices. Annual Report 2018-19 I Atul Foundation 6