Chairperson's foreword Dear Members, It is my privilege to present to you the 2016-17 Annual Report of Atul Foundation, further enhancing the contents and structure of the report in step with our yearning to consistently improve all that we undertake. In the 7 decades since its inception, Atul Ltd (Atul) has been serving the society keeping in focus national priorities. Through its Programs, Education, Empowerment, Health, Relief, Infrastructure and Conservation, the Company has touched lives of about 1,25,000 lower income group people. The institutions promoted by Atul are considered amongst the best in terms of their quality of infrastructure and service. Atul Foundation – which oversees all the trusts - is carrying forward this legacy. During 2016-17, as a commitment to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Atul Foundation constructed 1,350 more individual household toilets in 15 villages of Valsad district; in the process, it was able to help 4 villages become free of open defecation. The commitment of the Foundation to less cash economy was recognised by the Honourable Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi, when he declared Atul amongst the first cashless townships of the country on April 14, 2017. The Foundation undertook several other projects | initiatives during 2016-17 to uplift the lives of the disadvantaged, marginalised and vulnerable which, amongst others, comprised establishing a library in a village school, renovating a school, extending support - monetary (tuition fees, etc) and non-monetary (notebooks, etc), imparting vocational training to women (beauty and styling, data entry, garment making, etc), constructing roads, planting saplings and providing medical help. In an effort to also serve people in other states, the Foundation increased its footprint in 2 more states – Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh. In Jharkhand, it partnered with Udyogini to provide improved child care to 5,043 children through 220 crèches while in Uttar Pradesh, it supported Guria Swayam Sevi Sansthan which is actively involved in preventing women and child abuse. The scope of such work is infinite, and Atul Foundation will continue with many such projects | initiatives during 2017-18. One of the bigger projects is the establishment of Atul Medical Diagnostic and Research Centre to provide quality medical services to the local population including those who are otherwise unable to afford such services. The Foundation will collaborate with the State Governments and NGOs for serving the society particularly in the areas of education and health. I thank the Government of Gujarat and all the donors for their support to Atul Foundation. 21.90% of Indians live below the poverty line, and I look forward to working with you to do everything we can to make a difference to their lives. With best wishes, Sincerely, (Vimla Lalbhai) Chairperson Annual Report 2016-17 | Atul Foundation