Auditors’ Report Under Sub-section (2) of Section 33 and 34, and Rule 19 of the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950 (Gujarat Rules) Registration number: E | 677 | Valsad district Name of the public trust: Atul Rural Development Fund For the year ending: March 31, 2017 We have examined the Financial Statements of Atul Rural Development Fund for the year ending March 31, 2017 and to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations provided to us, we report as under: a) Whether accounts are maintained regularly and in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the rules? Yes b) Whether receipts and disbursements are properly and correctly shown in the accounts? Yes c) Whether the cash balance and vouchers in the custody of the Manager or a Trustee on the date of audit were in agreement with the accounts? Yes d) Whether all books, deeds, accounts, vouchers, other documents or records required by the Auditor were produced before him? Yes e) Whether a register of movable and immovable properties is properly maintained, the changes therein are communicated from time to time to the regional office and the defects and inaccuracies mentioned in the previous Audit Reports have been duly complied with? Yes f) Whether the Manager or a Trustee or any other person required by the Audit to appear before him did so and furnished the necessary information required by him? Yes g) Whether any property or funds of the Trust were applied for any object or purpose other than the object or purpose of the Trust? No h) Amount of outstanding for more than 1 year and the amount written off, if any Nil i) Whether tenders were invited for repairs or construction involving expenditure exceeding ` 5,000? Yes j) Whether any money of the Trust has been invested contrary to the provisions of Section 35? No k) Whether alienations, if any, of the immovable property contrary to the provisions of Section 36 have come to the notice of the Auditor? No l) Whether there is any special matter which the Auditor may think fit or necessary to bring to the notice of the Deputy or Assistant Charity Commissioner? No For B R Shah & Associates Chartered Accountants Firm Registration Number: 129053W Deval Desai Ahmedabad Partner July 24, 2017 Membership Number: 132426 Annual Report 2016-17 | Atul Foundation